Friday, March 8, 2013

Is it O.K if corporations do it?

On March 4,2013 The New York Times  Published Mooching Off Medicaid  by Paul Krugman, to those who have a firm believe on how the conservatives are on comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted, about giving to the ones who have already have a lot. Them having a cynical view on the current state over medicare. Medicaid being a very successful program which helps provide health insurance to lower income Americans, which is getting and will get bigger based on the Obama care health care plan. As we know the republican are of less government spending, buy still will agree to the expansion of the Obama health care plan, why? For the main reason that it would mostly run through private insurance companies.
Krugman states by them wanting for it to run through private insurances it tells us a lot in what the Republicans really want; which at the end of the day it would be beneficial a lot towards them. He points out the Florida case where governor Rick Scott made his fortune in the health industry. In which he also pleaded guilty on criminal fraud charge paying $1.7 billion dollars in fines based on medicare. Elected as a fierce opponent of he Obama care plan and went to the supreme court in order to base it unconstitutional. But now why did he shockingly declared his support for medicare expansion. But on the sole condition only if after he received a waiver letting him run medicaid through the private insurance. Yeah right only after gaining something out of it. Raw Political Power-letting the medical industry continue to get away with a lot overcharging was in effect one of the prices that Obama had to pay for the plan to pass. If it meant tens of millions would receive insurances.
I agree that even though the conservatives party talks and talks saying a lot, about having low tax rates for the big companies and only looking out for the rich, but at the end they would always give in-only if their is something profitable for them.

"As long as the spending ends up lining the right pockets, and the undeserving beneficiaries of public largess are politically connected corporations, conservatives with actual power seem to like Big Government just fine" 

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